Page 34 - Catálogo Eureka
P. 34

T e
 T e
 h e
 h h e
 B u y
 B u y                                                                                    y  y  y  y  h e  n n h h e  h  n n T e  T T e  T  n n n n  B u  B u  B u  B u
 n n n n
 B u
 B u
                                                                            In this series, Brady is not alone in his
                                                                           adventures, he surrounds  himself with
                                                                           friends like Alex, Adam, Eddie and Peppy,
                                                                           who accompany him on his intriguing
 h e
 T e
 T e                                                                    funny situations, each book manages to
 h h e
                                                                          journeys. With endearing characters and
                                                                     capture the attention of young readers and
 B u
 B u
 B u n n n n n n n n y                                            encourages their interest in the English language.
 B u
                                                             In addition, throughout the pages, the bunny also shares
                                                             special moments with his parents, conveying family  and
                                                             friendship values. Through the adventures of Brady and
                                                             his friends, young readers will discover the pleasure of
                                                             learning English while immersing themselves in a world full
                                                            of imagination and friendship.
              A perfect read to inspire children to explore
              the English language and learn in a fun way!
              Students will not only fall in love with Brady and his
              experiences, but  they will also own the learning process.
              Through this progressive reading approach, English will no
              longer be a difficult subject to learn, but an exciting adventure
              that they will look forward to.
                                              Brady the Bunny will be an ally in the classroom, a resource
                                              that will complement your teaching, keep students engaged,
                                              and improve their English fluency and confidence.

                 It’s practice time

                 Brady the Bunny not only brings charming and interesting
                 stories to the classroom, but also reading comprehension and
                 vocabulary activities for the students to apply everything they
                 have learned.

                 We invite everyone to join us on this exciting journey of
                 learning English with “Brady the Bunny”. We are convinced
                 that this series of books will become an invaluable addition to
                 your English program and a favorite among students.

                                  Welcome to the magical learning experience with the
                                          “Brady The Bunny” reading book series!

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